If you think of yourself as a soldier,
You live in a world of strife.
Think of yourself as a poet or a lover instead.
It doesn’t have to be true.
Think of yourself as a good friend.
What could it hurt?
Life is an endless journey of becoming.
As children, we loved to dress up
In our parents clothes
And play at being grown-ups.
The clothes did not fit us.
We might have looked ridiculous,
But we knew the Magic would work
If only we all believed.
We knew the spell would be broken
If we spoke of it to profane ears.
But we believed and we kept our peace
And, sure enough, we grew up.
...an endless journey of becoming...
Whenever you make a choice, you take a step.
If you go far enough, You arrive at a decision
And become more perfectly yourself.
In our decisive moments we are always alone.
Do not look for someone else to blame.
If you do not perfect yourself
You will not be perfected.
It’s all a matter of choice.
The possibilities are endless.
But I tell you that your future
Will be constrained by your past
And shaped by your
visionAnd your
Myths are only Truths in fancy dress,
But Character really is Destiny.
If you would look upon the faces
Of your three Fates,
Take a good look at yourself.
The future is veiled,
but we can see glimpses
In the mirror