The Only Time We're Close

Oh, I would tell you of my love

But these are words we've tired of.

They've been so often said.

So ours must be a love apart

That speaks the language of the heart

And not rude speech instead.


But, oh, how fine it might have been

If only we had seen it then

While we still had those endless seeming hours.

The world lay at my feet again,

The chosen one of all those men

Who wooed you with their splendor and their powers.


Now it seems that my reward has come to me at last.

Images of things I've done go drifting slowly past.

Patterns woven in my life begin to come undone

As I see all the games I've lost that I had thought I'd won.


Time, at last, has beat me, though I sure was mighty fast.

Much of what I wish that I could change lies in the past.

Words are all I have to try and right so many wrongs.

The only time we're close is in my songs.

Not so much compared to all we'd thought the years would bring.

The only time we're close is when I sing.


Faith is not much comfort when the nights get long and cold.

Not a great companion, if the truth should all be told.

Faith has not meant much to me. It never was that strong.

The only time we're close is in my song.

Try And Watch A Father

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