Mission Statement
Welcome to GR8LY/8ED, the home page of David E. Robinson, poet, musician, and mystic. This page is devoted to the poetry of the strange and wonderful, the music of the spheres, and the moderately to somewhat eldritch humor of the proprietor.  This is not to say that Peace and Love go unsung here, but I am always and exclusively myself.  I love cats, books, and motorcycles.  Bipeds, I can tolerate in small doses.

Your questions, comments, and reactions are always of interest and will be responded to as soon as practicable.

Table Of Contents
Dark Litanies: The Songs Of Another Cycle
The Lighter Side Of Darkness
The Eyes Of Dream
In The Heart Of The Heartless City   These are observations, not endorsements
Shards Of Frozen Time   Songs of Love and Leaving
When You Grow Up, Son   Written for my son Jeremy when he entered high school
More about the Author and Dark Litanies

This page was last updated 29NOV99.
All material on this website is copyrighted and may not be used professionally without permission of the author
To contact David