Puppet In The Hands Of Passion

 You are taking me for granted.

I see nothing in your eyes.

You are sure I'll stay enchanted,

But, I tell you otherwise.

For the glamour fades and changes

As the plot grows finally cold.

In the end, the spell estranges

Those it always used to hold.


So, you thought you'd be exempted.

Well, how charming! How naive!

All the others fell when tempted.

You alone would turn to leave.

It's a little much to swallow.

Hey, now, open up your eyes.

All the loudest drums are hollow.

Was it ever otherwise?


Only two things in life are free.

Haven't you learned it yet?

Nothing is what you've done for me.

Nothing is what you get.


Puppet in the hands of passion.

Pawn upon the field of play.

Tired, but you're scared of crashin'.

Lonely, but afraid to stay.


Once again, the rash apprentice

Bites off more than he can chew.

You are Dino de Laurentiis.

I but toil amongst your crew.

When your fairy Grandma's warning

Said what's what, and who cares why,

You held out 'til almost morning.

You were most unwise to try.


Only two things in life are free.

You'd better learn it quick.

Lady, don't sing the blues to me.

You couldn't make it stick.


Nobody gets to dance for free.

Nobody has. Not yet.

Nothing is what you've done for me.

Nothing is what you get.


Puppet in the hands of passion.

In desire's velvet glove.

Going in and out of fashion.

Falling in and out of love.

Puppet in the hands of passion.

Pawn upon the field of play.

Tired, but you're scared of crashin'.

Lonely, but afraid to stay.

 It's Not Easy Growing Older

Table Of Contents