The Heart Of The Jester

The Heart of the Jester is a bright, bright place,

But it really just isn't that warm.

When you stroll in that fine and private space,

You'd better watch out for the storm.


The Heart of the Jester only has one rule:

"All Will Be Called On To Amuse The Fool."

Those who would gamble with the Jester's dice,

Finally have to pay the Jester's price.


The Heart of the Jester is a fast, fast lane.

You'll never be bored as his guest.

The curious order of his strange domain

Is surely the Heart of the Jest.


Maybe his tricks will tear your soul in half.

Such are the kicks that make the Jester laugh.

Soon as you enter, then the games will start,

Here in the center of the Jester's Heart.


The Heart of the Jester is a big surprize.

It isn't at all like you'd planned.

There's nothing to see behind those hollow eyes

But visions you can't understand.


The Lament Of The Sorceror

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