Hollow Man

He sits as if listening for some distant sound.

I hope maybe some day he'll hear it.

He acts just as if there was no one around.

He stays for the chance to be near it.


His soul, it has flown to a cross in the void.

His body remains, acting lost.

This world was too shallow, so he took the plunge

And never considered the cost.


He's a hollow man, floating silent in the night.

He's a hollow man. His footsteps rang.

The voices sang and they called him.

They told him things that appalled him

And they left him in the night.


The fools gather round him like he was a joke.

I wish they could all get to meet him.

This is a trip you don't sniff and don't smoke.

He played the game and it beat him.


He's a hollow man, floating silent in the night.

He's a hollow man. His footsteps rang.

The voices sang and they called him.

They told him things that appalled him

And they left him in the night.

Ill, Ill Wind

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